

for the -Android- Generic Device/Other, by PuckRom2020

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Jul 18, 2020 | 12:48PM
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THIS IS ANDROID-X86 FOR PC AND LAPTOPS TABLETS X86 32/64 BIT This is MICROLINDROID and no this is not the Lindroid that You know from me , Linux with Android build in , but Android with Microsoft look and feels and come with the Microsoft Launcher , latest for X86. This is a non existing concept that works good thanks to it being build on top of Lineage OS 14.1 developed by This is another Droid x86 system out of my collection , It's ANDROID with LINUX Set up installer build in .. and can run all Microsoft applications available in the Playstore or without the playstore , All microsoft apps work fine without Google Service installed ..Thumbs up for that Microsoft !!! So this is a Fantasy Microsoft Android system , at least this is how it would kinda look if Microsoft would really create a MicroDroids x86. For the time being you can test this ISO by creating a bootable USB with RUFUS and boot and use it ,.. Security updates are 2020 , so this was the ultimate build for me to use , also because it's Lineage OS , my Family.. I hope you like this creation again , have fun with it and enjoy the RTU droid x86 collection ..Download them all , cause they are worlds Only .. Thanks Microsoft C W Huang (Get Higher android builds from there , available up to Android 9) Soon 10.

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BIG UP TO ANDROIDFILEHOST.COM Thanks for the Hosting !!!!
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